The durability of some plants is absolutely amazing. A number of them are so robust that they may even be tread on! These are the plants to choose when filling in the space between pavers, walkways, patios and steps. Placing plants in the gaps of your hardscape will soften its appearance and will keep weeds from taking over that space, as well as prevent erosion that will loosen stones. These ground covers will creep and crawl around the stone bringing the garden to your feet and closer for you to enjoy.Β
There are resilient, low-growing, easy maintenance plants for just about any situation. Many even have showy flowers. But which is right for your yard? Before planting, scope out your site. Take into consideration the amount of sun or shade the plant will receive, the amount of foot traffic the area gets and the size of the space that the plant needs to fill. Still not sure which groundcover will work best? Stop in and speak with a member of our knowledgeable staff. We can help make your selection easier.Β
Groundcovers for Moderate to Heavy Foot TrafficΒ
Areas that receive moderate to heavy foot traffic β backyard patios, front walkways, terrace steps, etc. β can be the most difficult to fill in. Depending on the light the site receives, some of the most popular groundcover options includeβ¦Β
Full SunΒ
- Alpine Cinquefoil (Potentilla) β 12β spread, yellow flowers, green foliage
- Carpet Speedwell (Veronica) β 3β spread, light blue flowers
- Creeping Sunshine Speedwell (Veronica) β 12β spread, gold foliage
- Creeping Thyme Doone Valley (Thymus) β 23β spread, variegated gold foliage
- Creeping Thyme Purple Carpet (Thymus) β 18β spread, mauve flowers
- Creeping Thyme Elfin (Thymus) β Β 8β spread, light pink flowers
- Creeping Thyme Coccineus (Thymus) β Β 18β spread, red flowers
- Creeping Thyme Pink Chintz (Thymus) β 23β spread, deep pink flowers
- Creeping Thyme Ruby Glow (Thymus) β Β 18β spread, purple-red flowers
- Golden Stonecrop (Sedum) β 23β spread, yellow flowers and foliage
- Hartington Silver Thyme (Thymus) β 12β spread, light pink flowers
- Mediterranean Creeping Thyme (Thymus) β 18β spread, deep pink flowers
- Nutmeg Thyme (Thymus) β 18β spread, scented foliage
- Orange-scented Thyme (Thymus) β 12β spread, scented foliage
- Pink Pussy-toes (Antennaria) β 12β spread, deep pink flowers
- Pussy-toes (Antennaria) β 12β spread, white flowers
- White Moss Thyme (Thymus) β 18β spread, white flowers
- Whitley’s Speedwell (Veronica) β 23β spread, deep blue flowers
- Woolly Thyme (Thymus) β 23β spread, grey-green foliage
Sun to Part SunΒ
- Blue Star Creeper (Isotom) β 12β spread, light blue flowers
- Black Brass Buttons (Leptinella) β 12β spread, purple-black foliage
- Black-Leaved Clover (Trifolium) β 18β spread, green and purple foliage
- Celestial Spice Pratia (Pratia) β 8β spread, deep blue flowers
- County Park Pratia (Pratia) β 12β spread, deep blue flowers
- Creeping Mazus (Mazus) β 18β spread, mauve flowers
- Creeping Wire Vine (Muehlenbeckia) β 29β spread, wiry stems
- Cushion Bolax (Azorella) β 8β spread, yellow flowers
- Green Brass Buttons (Leptinella squalida) β 12β spread, yellow flowers
- Irish Moss (Sagina subulata) β 12β spread, small white flowers
- White Creeping Mazus (Mazus) β 18β spread, white flowers
- Miniature Brass Buttons (Leptinella) β 16β spread, white flowers
- Rupturewort (Herniaria) β 12β spread, tiny leaves
- Scotch Moss Golden (Sagina) β 12β spread, golden foliage
- Turkey Tangle Fogfruit (Phyla) β 23β spread, gray-green foliage
- White Creeping Pratia (Pratia) β 12β spread, white flowersΒ
- Corsican Mint (Mentha) β 12β spread, mauve flowers
- Miniature Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia) β 18β spread, yellow flowers
- Miniature Wintercreeper (Euonymus) β 18β spread, leathery foliage